Kentucky Mountain Bible College is committed to the Wesleyan interpretation of Christian doctrine, including the following positions:
Footnote: We believe the Scriptural gift of languages recorded in Acts 2 is a gift of a foreign language for the propagation of the Gospel. Speaking in unknown tongues in public or private worship (including "prayer language") contradicts Biblical teaching. The practice or promotion of such is not permitted. (While we do not endorse modern charismatic practices, we do maintain warm-hearted Christian fellowship with those who do.)
It is my desire to receive academic education and Christian training at Kentucky Mountain Bible College. I understand the institution and its staff are of the Wesleyan/Arminian view of interpreting the Holy Scriptures. Therefore, I acknowledge that KMBC’s theology, doctrines, and rules are created to reflect this interpretation.
Admittedly I hold a differing view than KMBC.
Out of Christian love and fellowship, I sign this document to verify that I am willing to come under KMBC’s authority, and I will cooperate with its declared position of theology, doctrines, and rules. Therefore, I willingly comply by agreeing to never try to impress or influence anyone with my positions, views, or practices of beliefs that differ with that of KMBC.
I further understand and accept that by signing this document it serves as my warning relative to any possible violations. If at anytime I fail to comply, I am subject to immediate dismissal as a student of Kentucky Mountain Bible College.