5k For Missions!
Tuesday, November 2nd at 9am KMBC MIssions Cabinet and Social Commitee is hosting a Missions 5K and 1-mile fun run! We will have a 5K route as well as a one-mile track around the field. Families with small children are welcome and encouraged to participate in the one-mile walk! Registration fees raise money to fund two causes! Half of the funds will be sent to Haven of Hope – a safe house in Eswatini designed to give holistic therapeutic care to women freed from trafficking! The other half will help bring special guest missionary speakers to share in KMBC’s missions chapels about the work God is doing around the world! Regular registration is $40, student registration (any student, not just KMBC students) is $30. Registration links are available on KMBC’s website – you can also scan the QR code below. If you are interested in participating but aren’t able to pay the registration fee, find someone to sponsor you!
If you aren’t planning on racing – we are looking for sponsors!
Register or Complete a Sponsorship:
Upon Submission of this form, you will be readily redirected to KMBC’s Shop to finish your registration by submitting your Registration Fee.