Inter-Generational Ministries

Do you feel called to work with various age groups in a church setting?

The Inter-Generational Ministries Program provides students with the knowledge and experience to minister in an inter-generational setting, such as a family outreach in the church. This program will equip the student to communicate between the generations and effectively minister to those in their church and communities. Through this program, students will be enabled to work in a church setting in a discipleship-based ministry among various age groups as well as many other ministries in the church!

Students will take classes that focus on ministering to children, youth, and adults, as well as Bible and theology classes. Classes in the Inter-Generational Ministries Program will include those on discipleship among various age groups, apologetics, family dynamics, and church administration. These classes will provide the students with the knowledge and hands-on experience to begin or build up a successful inter-generational ministry in their church and community.


What happens after graduation?

Some of our graduates choose to continue their education in pursuit of a Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree (M.Div). Graduates choosing to do so, often remark at how well prepared they were for the academic challenges of seminary. Although our graduates have chosen to attend a variety of seminaries across the country, KMBC recommends Wesley Biblical Seminary in Ridgeland, Mississippi.

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Credit Hours

131 Credit Hours

What classes will I study?

As a student in the Inter-Generational Ministries Program, you will be focusing on classes to prepare you as a leader in a church setting. In addition to the general education core, you will be studying a variety of the biblical texts, theology, discipleship, and teaching. For a complete list, skim through the list below.

Have more questions?

Dr. Richard Englehardt

Meet the Discipleship Department advisor. Dr. Richard Englehardt will be glad to answer any questions you may have regarding the program. Otherwise, request more information to get in touch with our admissions team.

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