Thank you for your interest in Kentucky Mountain Bible College. KMBC is a place where district superintendents, pastors, and Christian workers look for graduates to provide servant leadership within a variety of ministries. Over 70% of KMBC graduates enter full-time Christian service.
Review KMBC’s Application Procedure. Not yet graduated? You don’t have to wait to be accepted! Kentucky Mountain Bible College will provisionally accept highschool juniors in their second semester. To pursue early acceptance, please click here for our Early Application Procedure.
Not Sure? Give us a call at 1-800-TRY-KMBC ext. 130, we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. You can also request more information below.
Visit KMBC
There’s no better way to learn about Kentucky Mountain Bible College than a campus visit. We can provide you with a place to stay, good meals, fellowship, and a campus tour-at no charge! You will be able to worship in the Luce Chapel, sit in on classes, meet professors, talk to students, and experience campus life. We also offer personal, interactive, real-time online visits for those unable to come to our physical campus.
We’re happy to host you anytime! To schedule a visit, please contact us.
- visit with an admissions counselor
- visit with student financial services
- check out our dorms
- catch the passion for ministry
Fall Open House
The open house gives you the opportunity to experience KMBC with other Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and recent graduates.
Spring Talent Contest
While visiting the campus, enter a chance to win a $1000 scholarship by sharing the talent’s God has given you.
Summer Youth Camp
This fantastic event is designed for 7th-12th graders. Campers will go canoeing, hiking, water sliding, and other great outdoor fun. All this in a spiritually charged atmosphere.
Request Info

In order to benefit your continuing education, KMBC will make every effort to accept as much transfer credit as possible.
We encourage you to submit your official transcript as soon as possible for evaluation. Have your previous college or university send your official transcript to the following address:
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Attn: Registrar’s Office
855 Hwy 541
Jackson, KY 41339
Transfer of Credit Regulation Policy
Students who have earned post-secondary credit at another institution are welcome to apply to Kentucky Mountain Bible College as transfer students. The following provisions govern the acceptance of credit:
- Applicants transferring from another college will complete the regular admission process and present official transcripts from each college attended.
- The Registrar makes all decisions related to the acceptance of transfer credits.
- Credits must be comparable with courses offered at Kentucky Mountain Bible College and meet the requirements for the program into which the student plans to enroll.
- Courses that contain a worldview or theological orientation in variance with the principles and mission of Kentucky Mountain Bible College may not be accepted.
- Individual courses must carry a grade of “C” or higher.
- Credit will be considered from the following institutions
- an institution accredited by the ABHE
- any institution accredited by an organization recognized by CHEA
- Credits earned at non-accredited colleges may be accepted at the discretion of the Registrar and will be applied to the transcript after the transferee has completed 30 semester hours at Kentucky Mountain Bible College with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
- A maximum of 35 credits will be accepted into an A.A. program, and a maximum of 70 credits will be accepted into a B.A. program.
Residency Requirements for Graduation
- Candidates for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion must complete 60 credit hours or two years of full-time study in residence at Kentucky Mountain Bible College.
- Candidates for an Associate of Arts degree in Biblical Studies must complete 30 hours or one year of full-time study in residence at Kentucky Mountain Bible College.

We are excited that you are considering joining us at KMBC! Making up to 25% of the student body, KMBC has a strong community of married students and older single adult students. Each brings new gifts and experiences that enhances the whole campus community.
This non-traditional student (NTS) body naturally functions a little differently from the traditional students. There are unique challenges, freedoms, and responsibilities, and we wish to assist in a way that is appropriate. One way this is accomplished is through the non-traditional students association. This is a student-led organization designed to facilitate relationships and interaction between our non-traditional students. We encourage you to participate!
If you have questions, please contact the Dean of Students here or by calling 1-800-879-5622 ext 180.
Married Students
We encourage the married student, with their spouse and any children, to be vitally involved in the full college experience.
Spouses are allowed to register, audit, or attend classes in which their husband or wife is enrolled, space permitting. The obligations of the enrolled spouse can be looked upon as a team effort. The married student needs the involvement of his or her spouse in the college experience. It is encouraged that the husband or wife accompany one another to college functions. Several events are required, and in order to create community involvement, we encourage both spouses to attend. If attendance causes any hardships, petitions may be made to the Dean of Students.
We believe that good home life is essential for the couple. We encourage family altar and personal devotions as a scriptural framework of stability for families to participate in. Because of the tremendous witness it carries, we urge the careful planning of finances. We also urge married students to create a proper balance in academics and industrial work, as well as attention to cares at home, so that none are neglected.
While attending KMBC, we encourage you to share any needs or concerns with the Dean of Students.
Non-Traditional Student Association
We encourage all students to build relationships with each other, with faculty, and with staff while they are here. The Non-Traditional Students Association (NTSA) is designed to minister to the spiritual, social, and material needs of non-traditional students, both married and single, and to encourage Christian unity and support among the campus community. Non-Traditional Students (NTS) include those who 1) are married, 2) single parents, or 3) single students 25 years of age or older. This designation includes the spouses of NTS that are not themselves enrolled at KMBC. Become a part!
KMBC does provide, but has limited housing available on campus. Priority will be given to early-applicants. During your stay here, we also request that married students and their families abide by all the rules of the college.
KMBC assumes responsibility for proper maintenance of all college-owned housing. Should there be a problem, you will be asked to report any maintenance concerns to the Plant Manager, they will then be handled as quickly as possible. As a reminder, cleaning will be performed by the tenant of the rented dwelling.
*Housing is available upon a first come first serve bases; please contact John Mathes at 1-800-879-5622 ext 110 to request housing.
Student Center
The Student Center is open all day and available for the off-campus Non-Traditional student. It is available for studying and also provides a place to eat for those bringing their own lunch. A microwave and pop machine are available.
For more information contact Jim Nelson, Dean of Students.

We appreciate your interest in Kentucky Mountain Bible College. KMBC is a popular choice for homeschooled students. Regularly up to 20% of KMBC students come from a homeschool background!*
Not only is KMBC a popular choice for homeschooled students, but homeschooling is also a common choice for those who work at KMBC. In fact, 70% of KMBC staff with school-age children have chosen homeschooling.
Homeschool students follow the same application procedure found above. You will need to take the ACT, and submit a highschool transcript prepared by a parent or homeschool official.
A sample transcript is available to the right. KMBC evaluates homeschool transcripts just like we treat transcripts from other schools. They must include all the elements required for a standard transcript. Grades must be included (letter or percentage). School name, address, student name, Graduation date (or expected graduation date), and administrator (parent) signature must be included.
You may also be interested in taking CLEP (College Level Examination Program) tests, CLEP tests are a great opportunity to get a jump start on college credit with information you already know.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-800-879-5622 ext. 138. We’ll be happy to assist you.
*Includes students with 1 or more years of homeschool education

With programs that are based on Biblical principles where scriptural holiness is emphasized, Kentucky Mountain Bible College offers international students training in order for students to return to their home country, prepared and equipped for the ministry.
Aside from our regular student costs, for international students there are some additional expenses involved in transportation, immigration, etc. We require international students to deposit $3,500 before admittance, which is held for return transportation, medical costs, unexpected needs, and used for medical insurance.
International students are also required to show evidence of financial support before admittance. We will provide the Affidavit of Support form, which can be copied, and distributed to several people. You must have affidavits totaling the complete cost of college in order to enroll. The $75 application fee, the $3,500 deposit, and Affidavits of Support covering the complete cost of college must be received by KMBC before an I-20 can be issued. All payments must be made in U.S. Currency.
We do not offer any full scholarships for international students. While certain international students may be eligible for smaller partial scholarships, all international students should plan to personally bear the cost of college. For more information please check out Financial Briefing for International Students.
Please fill out the application and return it to us so that you can begin the reference process. Please send application by mail to:
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Admissions Office
855 HWY 541
Jackson, KY 41339
It will also be important for you to take an English Proficiency test. We accept the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), American College Test Foreign Language (ACTFL), and the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). We ask that you complete one of these tests as soon as possible. This score is needed before you can be accepted as a student. Our instruction code number is 1384.
For application and acceptance procedure please click here.
If you have received your I-20, please read the important information to prepare for your visa interview.
Since international mail is slow and expensive, we prefer to communicate via email. If you have this option, please email us here. We look forward to hearing from you. May God direct and bless your decisions.