
Thank you for your interest in Kentucky Mountain Bible College. KMBC is a place where district superintendents, pastors, and Christian workers look for graduates to provide servant leadership within a variety of ministries. Over 70% of KMBC graduates enter full-time Christian service.

Review KMBC’s Application Procedure. Not yet graduated? You don’t have to wait to be accepted! Kentucky Mountain Bible College will provisionally accept highschool juniors in their second semester. To pursue early acceptance, please click here for our Early Application Procedure.

Not Sure? Give us a call at 1-800-TRY-KMBC ext. 130, we’ll be happy to answer any of your questions. You can also request more information below.

Visit KMBC

There’s no better way to learn about Kentucky Mountain Bible College than a campus visit. We can provide you with a place to stay, good meals, fellowship, and a campus tour-at no charge! You will be able to worship in the Luce Chapel, sit in on classes, meet professors, talk to students, and experience campus life. We also offer personal, interactive, real-time online visits for those unable to come to our physical campus.

We’re happy to host you anytime! To schedule a visit, please contact us.

  • visit with an admissions counselor
  • visit with student financial services
  • check out our dorms
  • catch the passion for ministry

The open house gives you the opportunity to experience KMBC with other Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, and recent graduates.

Request Info

In order to benefit your continuing education, KMBC will make every effort to accept as much transfer credit as possible.

We encourage you to submit your official transcript as soon as possible for evaluation. Have your previous college or university send your official transcript to the following address:

Kentucky Mountain Bible College
Attn: Registrar’s Office
855 Hwy 541
Jackson, KY 41339

Transfer of Credit Regulation Policy

Students who have earned post-secondary credit at another institution are welcome to apply to Kentucky Mountain Bible College as transfer students. The following provisions govern the acceptance of credit:

  1. Applicants transferring from another college will complete the regular admission process and present official transcripts from each college attended.
  2. The Registrar makes all decisions related to the acceptance of transfer credits.
  3. Credits must be comparable with courses offered at Kentucky Mountain Bible College and meet the requirements for the program into which the student plans to enroll.
  4. Courses that contain a worldview or theological orientation in variance with the principles and mission of Kentucky Mountain Bible College may not be accepted.
  5. Individual courses must carry a grade of “C” or higher.
  6. Credit will be considered from the following institutions
    1. an institution accredited by the ABHE
    2. any institution accredited by an organization recognized by CHEA
  7. Credits earned at non-accredited colleges may be accepted at the discretion of the Registrar and will be applied to the transcript after the transferee has completed 30 semester hours at Kentucky Mountain Bible College with a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher.
  8. A maximum of 35 credits will be accepted into an A.A. program, and a maximum of 70 credits will be accepted into a B.A. program.

Residency Requirements for Graduation

  1. Candidates for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Religion must complete 60 credit hours or two years of full-time study in residence at Kentucky Mountain Bible College.
  2. Candidates for an Associate of Arts degree in Biblical Studies must complete 30 hours or one year of full-time study in residence at Kentucky Mountain Bible College.