Congratulations on your Acceptance to Kentucky Mountain Bible College!

Here’s what to do next:

Now that you’ve been accepted, there are a few more forms we’d like you to completed before your arrival. Please take a moment and review the forms below. They may be submitted directly to the admissions office or using Docufide.

  • Read the Student Handbook
    • Just like any other college and community there are certain behaviors and expectations that you can expect from KMBC and that we expect from you. Learn about those by familiarizing yourself with the Student Handbook. If you have any questions please call 606-332-0130 or email
  • Scholarship Application Form
    • To be eligible for in-house scholarships, please complete this scholarship application. The priority deadline for filing is May 1st for the Fall Semester and November 1st for the Spring Semester.
  • Medical Information Form
    • Please complete the Student Medical Information form including your medical history, immunization record, and medical release authorizing KMBC to take medical action in cases of emergency. If you are under 18, the form must be signed by your parent or legal guardian.
  • Physician’s Statement
    • To be completed by a doctor.

You may send any documents to the admissions department by email or using


Connect with Current and Incoming Student on Social Media!


Typically Move-In Day falls on the 3rd Monday in August.