Financial Information

Cost of Attendance

KMBC endeavors to keep educational costs to a minimum. Tuition and fees cover only a small portion of the total educational cost. The college appreciates and depends on the generous support of churches, alumni, and friends. A substantial part of the cost of each student’s education comes from these sources.

The total cost of a semester of study at KMBC includes tuition and required fees; special fees where applicable; housing and meals; books, course materials, supplies, and equipment; transportation; and miscellaneous personal expenses.

The approximate cost for one semester in 2024-2025 is itemized below:

Tuition (15 semester hours at $315 per hour) $4,725
Meal Plan $1,750
Room $1,065
Books (estimated) $200
Required Fees (estimated) $455
Estimated semester cost $8,195*

* Transportation & Personal Expenses not included.

A list of required fees and special expenses can be found in the Finance Section of the College Catalog.

KMBC reserves the right to change prices without notice.

Before the start of each semester students will receive a Financial Aid Plan (FAP) from the KMBC Financial Aid Office. The FAP contains the student’s estimated cost, confirmed financial aid, and the remaining semester balance (work study is not applied until earned).

All student accounts are due and payable at the time of enrollment. Payment plans are available if the student is unable to make full payment at registration, and must be arranged with the Business Office before registration is complete.

Any changes to a student’s cost or financial aid  will be reflected in the student’s subsequent payments.

A charge of $25.00 will be added to accounts every time a payment is not paid on time.

Students who have any unpaid school accounts with the Business Office, Bookstore, Library, Financial Aid Office, or the Dorm Supervisor must make satisfactory arrangements with the Business Manager before final examinations may be taken.

If a check or draft which has been accepted in the Bookstore or the Business Office is returned by the bank because of insufficient funds, $25.00 will be added to the student’s account.

Textbooks and supplies purchased in the KMBC Book Store may be paid for in cash, by credit card, or charged to the student’s account.

Joe Ritter

Financial Aid Director

606-693-5000 ext. 175

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Your Message


New students

– Must apply and be accepted for admission to KMBC.

– Financial Aid packages will not be offered until admission acceptance is finalized, but a student may begin the financial aid process before that time.

– To receive Federal Financial Aid students must meet the eligibility requirements set by the Department of Education.

– To receive most KMBC Financial Aid, students must complete the KMBC Scholarship Application Form.

Returning students

 – To receive Federal Financial Aid, students must meet the eligibility requirements set by the Department of Education

 – To receive most KMBC Financial Aid, students must complete the KMBC Scholarship Renewal Form each spring.[/accordionitem]


All students

 – Must apply for federal financial aid online by completing the FAFSA at

 – If you do not already have one, apply for a FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID) before completing the FAFSA. The FSA ID replaced the Federal Student Aid PIN on May 10, 2015. The FSA ID allows you to sign the FAFSA electronically. If you are filing as a dependent student, at least one parent must have a FSA ID.

 – We recommend that you use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool in the FAFSA to provide the required tax information. It will increase the accuracy of your FAFSA information and streamline the application, verification, and packaging process. The earlier you apply and the more accurate your application is, the sooner you will be offered the financial aid for which you are eligible.

 – Enter KMBC’s federal school code (030021) on the FAFSA. This allows KMBC to receive your FAFSA information.

– Important Note: The FAFSA uses household income data from two years prior to the current academic year. If your household income has changed, especially because of unemployment, relocation, or COVID, you may request an adjustment or override of certain financial information on the FAFSA. Dependent students who are homeless, unaccompanied, or who cannot include their parents’ personal and financial data on the FAFSA may also request a dependency override. Please contact the Financial Aid Office for more information and to request that your personal situation be evaluated.

Visit the Federal Student Aid Website for more information about the FAFSA.



When KMBC electronically receives your FAFSA, we will begin to process your financial aid application. If your FAFSA is selected for verification by the Department of Education you may be required to submit additional documentation to the Financial Aid Office.



The verification process requires KMBC to collect documents that confirm the FAFSA data regarding your family and your finances. This process is used to ensure students are receiving the correct amount of aid. The verification process requires that we collect IRS tax transcripts for both you and your parents (if you are a dependent student) or your spouse (if you are married) unless you use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool when you complete or update your FAFSA. KMBC recommends that you follow tax transcript instructions provided by the Financial Aid Office, as the IRS has made changes and continues to change the transcript request process. The Financial Aid Office will provide you with forms to complete, and verification must be complete before your financial aid offer can be determined.



When KMBC completes the processing of your financial aid application, you will be notified of your eligibility by letter or email. It is important that you provide us with current contact information. Before receiving federal financial aid, all students are required to read, understand, and sign the Terms and Conditions for Receiving Financial Aid, the Title IV Authorization Form, and the Consent to Electronic Communication.

