Robert D. Pocai appointed the 6th President of Kentucky Mountain Bible College
The Kentucky Mountain Bible College Board of Trustees has unanimously appointed Rev. Robert D. Pocai, Ed.D. the 6th president of the college. Pocai succeeds Rev. Philip Speas, D.D., who retired from KMBC at the end of the 2022 academic year after 28 years of service as president. Pocai was appointed at the conclusion of a national search that was initiated in September of 2021.
“Rev. Rob Pocai is a distinguished pastor, parachurch, and educational leader in the Wesleyan-Holiness Tradition,” said Rev. Chris Cravens, chair of the Kentucky Mountain Bible College Board of Trustees. “The KMBC Board of Trustees believe that Rob and Holly Pocai are an exceptional team and will be able to lead KMBC forward in continued excellence in equipping men and women to serve with a passion to know God, to prepare them for their divine callings in ministry. They have a passion for ministry, a passion to live and teach the message of biblical holiness, and a passion to evangelize and disciple the world for Christ.”
“Rob is an energetic, passionate leader,” said Dr. John Neihof, Jr. ’82, late president of Wesley Biblical Seminary. “He has a proven track record as a successful urban minister, church planter, pastor, and evangelist. His powerful pulpit ministry resounds with the authority of Scripture and a call to Christian holiness.”
A Kentucky native and an ordained minister in the Congregational Methodist Church, Pocai earned his bachelor’s degree in Religion at Kentucky Mountain Bible College, a master’s of divinity in Evangelism from Wesley Biblical Seminary, and his doctorate in Education from Southeastern University.
Pocai frequently serves as a guest speaker and preacher at churches, retreats, camps, and revival meetings across the region. With nearly 23 years of ministry to the Church, Pocai has experience as a youth pastor, associate pastor, and lead pastor. He has over 19 years of supervisory experience in both for-profit as well as nonprofit organizations.
Pocai and his wife, Holly, a registered nurse and ordained elder in the Congregational Methodist Church, celebrated 18 years of marriage in 2022. They have four joyful children, Isabella, Ian, Ily Grace, and Iris May.