KMBC has played a major role in my life, not only spiritually which is to be expected, but in the professional, social and overall makeup and fibers of who I have become.

KMBC has played a major role in my life, not only spiritually which is to be expected, but in the professional, social and overall makeup and fibers of who I have become.
KMBC prepared me for what the Lord had prepared for me.
Who I am, and what I do today are traced to KMBC, as much or more than any educational institution which I attended.
We were blessed with wonderful teachers and were inspired by many spiritual giants in the pulpit!
The training we received at KMBC has served us extremely well across the years.
The dedication, sincerity, and friendliness of the students, staff and faculty combined is truly the one draw that brings me back.
WGM is grateful for KMBC and their commitment to God’s Word and the message of holiness.
KMBC provides the ideal environment in which to study and learn about God and His Word.
KMBC would be my first choice, in terms of ministry training, to look for godly men and women for staffing needs.
The school [KMBC] has been a blessing to WGM and we hope our partnership stays strong for the glory of God and the sending of Christian workers.