Why I Believe in KMBC
Recently I had the privilege of preaching for a pastor who had attended KMBC. He shared that his assistant who recently graduated with a ministerial degree from a holiness university has a school loan of $90,000. Today, someone else told me that a relative who graduated from a holiness university had a student loan of $100,000. That’s staggering! How will a young minister with a small salary, who is usually starting out in a small church, be able to pay such a big debt?
I believe in KMBC because we do our best to make the cost affordable. We deliberately keep our prices down, since 77% of our four year graduates go into ministry. Based on the financial data that we report to the government, USA Today rated Kentucky Mountain Bible College as the #10 least expensive college in the nation to receive a degree!
Wow! That is impressive!
Based on KMBC data for the last 3 years, 39% of our four-year graduates graduated debt free. The average debt load for the other 61% was $12,402 upon graduation – a far cry from $90,000 – $100,000! Much thanks is owed to the faculty and staff who sacrifice so that those who are called into ministry can have an affordable education. Thank God, KMBC offers a quality education at a price students can afford!
Dr. Philip Speas, KMBC President